Evelyne Séchaud: Closing Remarks from the Incoming President of the EPF 2004: The Provocations of the Unconscious20 Sep. 2004
Jean-Michel Quinodoz, Maggiorino Genta & Ignacio Pellegri: Chronological Reading of Freud’s Works: Dynamics of a Seminar19 Sep. 2004
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber: The Unconscious Fantasy: Clinical, Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Perspectives6 Sep. 2004
Robert Asséo: What Can We Learn About the Unconscious From Our Experience With Psychosomatic Patients?12 Sep. 2004
Graziella Magherini: The Unconscious and Art: The Aesthetic Uncanny and the Function of the Selected Fact14 Sep. 2004
Candy Aubry, O. Bonard, Geneviève Déjussel, Danielle Quinodoz & Bernard Reith: Dare we be analysts?16 Sep. 2004
Sylvia Zwettler-Otte: About the Secret Attractiveness of the Unconscious and the so-called “Crisis” of Psychoanalysis8 Sep. 2004
Evelyne Séchaud: Present-Day Experience and Use of the Unconscious - or: Which Unconscious? And for Which Psychoanalysis?3 Sep. 2004