Anne-Marie Sandler: The Influence Of The Theory And Practice Of Psychotherapy Upon Education For Psychoanalysis - Summary Of Discussion8 Apr. 1980
R.U. Mekking: The Influence Of The Theory And Practice Of Psychotherapy Upon Education For Psychoanalysis - Second Report7 Apr. 1980
Rivka Eifermann: Teaching Psychoanalysis to non-analytic students through work on their own dreams8 Jul. 1984
Victor Smirnoff: Teaching, apprendiceship and transmission: The maze of analytic training14 Apr. 1987
Han Groen-Prakken: On the Interminable Training Analysis and the Analyst's Countertransference15 Oct. 1990
Pentti Ikonen: Transference and Countertransference During and Following the Termination Phase of a Training Analysis13 Oct. 1990
Alice Breuer: 23rd Standing Conference on Training, 1991, on 'Adequate Distance in the Relation Between Supervisor and Candidate': Discussion Report8 Feb. 1992
Jean-Michel Quinodoz: The Displacement of Transference in the Supervision; Or How Transference and Countertransference Between Candidate and Analysand Can Sometimes be Acted Out in Supervision6 Feb. 1992
Imre Szecsödy: Opinions on the Standing Conference on Training: A Report on the Results of a Questionnaire6 Mar. 1994
Gigliola Fornari Spoto: Report on the Discussion of Training Colloquium Presentations on Questions Arising from the Selection of Candidates Before and/or During Analysis11 Mar. 1996
Thalia Vergopoulo: Discussion of Marie-Lise Roux's Paper 'An Evaluation of the Capacity to be Analyzed or To Be An Analyst'10 Mar. 1996
Ursula von Goldacker: From Evaluation to Self-Evaluation: Difficulties in Learning From Experience12 Jan. 1997
Ursula Schuster: From Psychotherapy to Psychoanalysis: a Complex Route for Today's Candidate: Discussion of Giampaolo Kluzer's paper4 May 2001
giampaolo kluzer: From Psychotherapy to Psychoanalysis: a Complex Route for Today's Candidate3 May 2001